Auction Results | 6.89% GS 2025 | 7.10% GS 2029 | 7.41% GS 2036 | 7.40% GS 2062 | I. | Notified Amount | ₹4000 Crore | ₹6000 Crore | ₹11000 Crore | ₹9000 Crore | II. | Underwriting Notified Amount | ₹4000 Crore | ₹6000 Crore | ₹11000 Crore | ₹9000 Crore | III. | Competitive Bids Received | | | | | (i) Number | 39 | 133 | 188 | 158 | (ii) Amount | ₹6614 Crore | ₹15316.800 Crore | ₹23618.200 Crore | ₹20975 Crore | IV. | Cut-off price / Yield | 99.78 | 98.80 | 99.64 | 99.15 | (YTM: 7.0097%) | (YTM: 7.3407%) | (YTM: 7.4507%) | (YTM: 7.4661%) | V. | Competitive Bids Accepted | | | | | (i) Number | 25 | 62 | 91 | 76 | (ii) Amount | ₹3996.943 Crore | ₹5992.814 Crore | ₹10984.408 Crore | ₹8993.073 Crore | VI. | Partial Allotment Percentage of Competitive Bids | 23.24% | 28.31% | 6.04% | 38.46% | (3 Bids) | (5 Bids) | (1 Bids) | (3 Bids) | VII. | Weighted Average Price/Yield | 99.78 | 98.80 | 99.64 | 99.42 | (WAY: 7.0097%) | (WAY: 7.3407%) | (WAY: 7.4507%) | (WAY: 7.4446%) | VIII. | Non-Competitive Bids Received | | | | | (i) Number | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | (ii) Amount | ₹3.057 Crore | ₹7.186 Crore | ₹15.592 Crore | ₹6.927 Crore | IX. | Non-Competitive Bids Accepted | | | | | (i) Number | 3 | 4 | 5 | 5 | (ii) Amount | ₹3.057 Crore | ₹7.186 Crore | ₹15.592 Crore | ₹6.927 Crore | (iii) Partial Allotment Percentage | 100% (0 Bids) | 100% (0 Bids) | 100% (0 Bids) | 100% (0 Bids) | X. | Amount of Underwriting accepted from primary dealers | ₹4000 Crore | ₹6000 Crore | ₹11000 Crore | ₹9000 Crore | XI. | Devolvement on Primary Dealers | NIL | NIL | NIL | NIL | Ajit Prasad Director (Communications) Press Release: 2022-2023/1621 | |