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Annual Report

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Date : Aug 25, 2020
Capital Market - Primary and Secondary
(Amount in ₹ lakh crore)
Item 2018-19 2019-20 P
Number Amount Number Amount
1 2 3 4 5
A. Prospectus and Rights Issues        
1. Private Sector (a+b) 154 0.5 106 0.8
a) Financial 31 0.4 38 0.2
b) Non-Financial 123 0.1 68 0.6
2. Public Sector (a+b+c) 4 0.0 3 0.1
a) Public Sector Undertakings 4 0.0 2 0.0
b) Government Companies
c) Banks/Financial Institutions 1 0.1
3. Total (1+2, i+ii, a+b) 158 0.5 109 0.9
Instrument Type        
(i) Equity 133 0.2 75 0.8
(ii) Debt 25 0.4 34 0.1
Issuer Type        
(a) IPOs 123 0.2 58 0.2
(b) Listed 35 0.4 51 0.7
B. Euro Issues (ADRs and GDRs) 1 0.1
C. Private Placement        
1. Private Sector (a+b) 2,162 3.9 1,467 3.3
a) Financial 1,911 2.7 1,279 2.3
b) Non-Financial 251 1.2 188 1.0
2. Public Sector (a+b) 187 2.5 244 3.5
a) Financial 150 2.1 157 2.2
b) Non-Financial 37 0.4 87 1.4
3. Total (1+2, i+ii) 2,349 6.4 1,711 6.8
(i) Equity 14 0.1 13 0.5
(ii) Debt 2,335 6.3 1,698 6.3
D. Qualified Institutional Placement 14 0.1 13 0.5
E. Mutual Funds Mobilisation (Net)#   1.1   0.9
1. Private Sector   0.6   0.2
2. Public Sector   0.5   0.6
BSE Sensex: End-Period 38,672.9   29,468.5  
Period Average 35,971.8   38,756.7  
Price Earning Ratio@ 28.0   17.8  
Market Capitalisation to GDP ratio (%) 79.6   55.8  
Turnover Cash Segment   7.8   6.6
Turnover Derivatives Segment   0.0   2.6
S&P CNX Nifty: End-Period 11,623.9   8,597.8  
Period Average 10,859.5   11,488.0  
Price Earning Ratio@ 29.0   19.4  
Market Capitalisation to GDP ratio (%) 78.7   55.3  
Turnover Cash Segment   79.5   90.0
Turnover Derivatives Segment   2,376.0   3,445.3
…: Nil.     P: Provisional (for 2019-20).     #: Net of redemptions.     @: As at end of the period.
Source: SEBI, NSE, BSE and various merchant bankers.
