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Date : Dec 29, 2020
Appendix Table VI.7: Financial Performance of Primary Dealers
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sl. No. Name of the Primary Dealers Year Income
Interest income
(including discount income)
Trading profit Other income Total income
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 STCI Primary Dealer Ltd. 2018-19 582 63 8 653
    2019-20 583 174 30 787
    H1: 2020-21 222 129 -43 308
2 SBI DFHI Ltd. 2018-19 457 41 4 502
    2019-20 661 59 2 723
    H1: 2020-21 385 53 4 443
3 ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd. 2018-19 1,086 -307 39 819
    2019-20 1,214 164 15 1,393
    H1: 2020-21 661 558 18 1,237
4 PNB Gilts Ltd. 2018-19 496 -47 2 451
    2019-20 766 72 4 843
    H1: 2020-21 426 208 5 639
5 Morgan Stanley India Primary Dealer Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 654 -46 5 613
    2019-20 717 11 3 732
    H1: 2020-21 319 68 7 394
6 Nomura Fixed Income Securities Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 391 -17 3 376
    2019-20 487 185 1 673
    H1: 2020-21 253 43 2 299
7 Goldman Sachs (India) Capital markets Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 133 -31 3 104
    2019-20 199 16 1 216
    H1: 2020-21 67 22 3 92
8 Total 2018-19 3,799 -344 63 3,518
    2019-20 4,628 682 57 5,367
    H1: 2020-21 2,333 1,082 -3 3,412
Notes: 1. Deutsche securities had surrendered its PD license w.e.f. March 28, 2014.
2. All amounts are rounded off to the nearest crore.
Source: Returns submitted by the Primary Dealers.

Appendix Table VI.7 Financial Performance of Primary Dealers (Concluded)
(Amount in ₹ crore)
Sl. No. Name of the Primary Dealers Year Expenditure Profit before tax Profit after tax Return on networth
(per cent)
Interest expenses Other expenses Total expenditure
1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 STCI Primary Dealer Ltd. 2018-19 505 122 627 26 17 3.5
    2019-20 454 31 485 303 239 43.0
    H1: 2020-21 134 10 144 164 120  
2 SBI DFHI Ltd. 2018-19 369 33 401 96 63 6.9
    2019-20 459 84 542 231 171 16.5
    H1: 2020-21 206 21 227 245 178  
3 ICICI Securities Primary Dealership Ltd. 2018-19 868 106 974 122 78 8.3
    2019-20 840 120 960 434 331 28.9
    H1: 2020-21 331 58 389 500 373  
4 PNB Gilts Ltd. 2018-19 403 22 426 82 72 8.2
    2019-20 519 114 633 249 186 18.8
    H1: 2020-21 217 16 234 403 301  
5 Morgan Stanley India Primary Dealer Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 513 25 538 -49 -34 -4.6
    2019-20 493 34 527 246 187 17.2
    H1: 2020-21 151 20 171 183 135  
6 Nomura Fixed Income Securities Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 295 33 328 150 98 13.5
    2019-20 325 42 366 171 121 14.0
    H1: 2020-21 118 20 138 148 111  
7 Goldman Sachs (India) Capital markets Pvt. Ltd. 2018-19 85 23 108 16 10 1.9
    2019-20 119 30 150 53 40 7.1
    H1: 2020-21 29 16 45 29 22  
8 Total 2018-19 3,038 363 3,402 444 304 5.8
    2019-20 3,209 454 3,663 1,687 1,276 21.3
    H1: 2020-21 1,186 161 1,347 1,673 1,240 16.7
Notes: 1. Deutsche securities had surrendered its PD license w.e.f. March 28, 2014.
2. All amounts are rounded off to the nearest crore.
Source: Returns submitted by the Primary Dealers.
