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Date : Sep 18, 2020
Table 40 : Components of Money Stock
(₹ Crore)
Year Currency in Circulation Cash with Banks Currency with the Public (2-3) 'Other' Deposits with the RBI Bankers' Deposits with the RBI Demand Deposits Time Deposits Reserve Money (2+5+6) Narrow Money (4+5+7) Broad Money (8+10)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1966-67 3289 90 3199 41 134 1711 1867 3464 4951 6817
1967-68 3468 92 3376 56 137 1918 2110 3662 5350 7460
1968-69 3794 112 3682 81 194 2016 2527 4069 5779 8306
1969-70 4160 165 3995 58 173 2483 3103 4390 6536 9639
1970-71 4557 186 4371 60 205 2943 3646 4822 7374 11020
1971-72 5006 205 4801 80 296 3442 4370 5382 8323 12693
1972-73 5680 242 5438 58 295 4204 5313 6033 9700 15013
1973-74 6595 274 6321 53 625 4826 6424 7273 11200 17624
1974-75 6701 354 6347 75 828 5553 7574 7604 11975 19549
1975-76 7053 348 6705 77 678 6543 9155 7808 13325 22480
1976-77 8288 415 7873 121 1389 8030 11757 9798 16024 27781
1977-78 9152 521 8631 70 1719 5687 18518 10941 14388 32906
1978-79 10835 604 10231 166 3081 6895 22820 14082 17292 40112
1979-80 12382 728 11654 391 3800 7955 27226 16573 20000 47226
1980-81 14307 881 13426 411 4734 9587 32350 19452 23424 55774
1981-82 15411 937 14474 168 5419 10295 37815 20998 24937 62752
1982-83 17639 980 16659 186 5285 11690 44649 23110 28535 73184
1983-84 20643 1040 19603 291 8060 13504 53127 28994 33398 86525
1984-85 23875 1203 22672 595 10746 16648 63018 35216 39915 102933
1985-86 26524 1465 25059 289 11352 18747 75299 38165 44095 119394
1986-87 29913 1531 28382 309 14586 22825 90116 44808 51516 141632
1987-88 35122 1563 33559 397 17970 24599 105720 53489 58555 164275
1988-89 40119 1790 38329 694 22145 27763 126707 62958 66786 193493
1989-90 48286 1986 46300 598 28707 34162 149890 77591 81060 230950
1990-91 55282 2234 53048 674 31823 39170 172936 87779 92892 265828
1991-92 63738 2640 61098 885 34882 52423 202643 99505 114406 317049
1992-93 71326 3053 68273 1313 38140 54480 239950 110779 124066 364016
1993-94 85396 3095 82301 2525 50751 65952 280306 138672 150778 431084
1994-95 104681 4000 100681 3383 61218 88193 335338 169283 192257 527596
1995-96 122569 4311 118258 3344 68544 93233 384356 194457 214835 599191
1996-97 137217 5130 132087 3194 59574 105334 455397 199985 240615 696012
1997-98 151056 5477 145579 3541 71806 118725 553488 226402 267844 821332
1998-99 175846 6902 168944 3736 79703 136388 671892 259286 309068 980960
1999-00 197061 7979 189082 3034 80460 149681 782378 280555 341796 1124174
2000-01 218205 8654 209550 3613 81477 166270 933771 303295 379433 1313204
2001-02 250974 10179 240794 2831 84147 179199 1075512 337952 422824 1498336
2002-03 282473 10892 271581 3219 83346 198757 1244379 369038 473558 1717936
2003-04 327028 12057 314971 5097 104365 258626 1426960 436490 578694 2005654
2004-05 368661 12347 356314 6454 113996 286998 1595887 489111 649766 2245653
2005-06 429578 17454 412124 6843 135511 407423 1893104 571932 826389 2719493
2006-07 504099 21244 482854 7467 197295 477604 2342113 708861 967925 3310038
2007-08 590801 22390 568410 9027 328447 578372 2862046 928275 1155810 4017855
2008-09 691153 25703 665450 5533 291275 588688 3535105 987961 1259671 4794775
2009-10 799549 32056 767492 3806 352299 717970 4113430 1155653 1489268 5602698
2010-11 949659 37823 911836 3653 423509 722856 4865771 1376821 1638345 6504116
2011-12 1067230 43560 1023670 2822 356291 710902 5647437 1426344 1737394 7384831
2012-13 1190975 49914 1141061 3240 320671 753225 6492293 1514886 1897526 8389819
2013-14 1301074 55255 1245819 1965 429703 811978 7457624 1732742 2059762 9517386
2014-15 1448312 62131 1386182 14590 465561 891632 8257764 1928463 2292404 10550168
2015-16 1663463 66209 1597254 15451 501826 989834 9015077 2180740 2602538 11617615
2016-17 1335266 71142 1264124 21091 544127 1396741 10109983 1900485 2681957 12791940
2017-18 1829348 69635 1759712 23907 565525 1483712 10695255 2418779 3267331 13962587
2018-19 2136770 84561 2052209 31742 601969 1626512 11721603 2770481 3710464 15432067
2019-20 2447279 97563 2349715 38507 543888 1737692 12674016 3029674 4125915 16799930
Notes : 1. Excluding the impact of merger on May 3, 2002, data on time deposits and broad money for the year 2002-03 work out to ₹ 1214708 crores and ₹ 1688289 crores, respectively.
2. Excluding the impact of conversion of a non-banking entity into a banking entity on October 11, 2004, data on time deposits and broad money for the year 2004-05 work out to ₹ 1592374 crores and ₹ 2242164 crores,respectively.
Also see Notes on Tables
