(₹ Crore) |
Item | Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/reporting Fridays |
2022-23 | 2022 | 2023 |
Dec. 30 | Dec. 01 | Dec. 15 | Dec. 29 |
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Monetary Aggregates | | | | | |
NM1 (1.1+1.2.1+1.3) | 5674795 | 5527104 | 5801497 | 5808914 | 5917552 |
NM2 (NM1 + | 13103413 | 12807909 | 13923015 | 13892716 | 14080992 |
| | | (13979757) | (13948503) | (14135571) |
NM3 (NM2 + + 1.4 = 2.1 + 2.2 + 2.3 – 2.4 – 2.5) | 22628165 | 22147115 | 24691580 | 24534911 | 24817594 |
| | | (24817673) | (24658881) | (24938881) |
1 Components | | | | | |
1.1 Currency with the Public | 3276436 | 3122236 | 3250161 | 3271577 | 3256012 |
1.2 Aggregate Deposits of Residents | 18828639 | 18521504 | 20523570 | 20426247 | 20721466 |
| | | (20649663) | (20550217) | (20842754) |
1.2.1 Demand Deposits | 2320598 | 2341936 | 2475751 | 2462242 | 2580490 |
1.2.2 Time Deposits of Residents | 16508041 | 16179568 | 18047819 | 17964005 | 18140977 |
| | | (18173911) | (18087975) | (18262264) | Short-term Time Deposits | 7428619 | 7280806 | 8121519 | 8083802 | 8163440 |
| | | (8178260) | (8139589) | (8218019) | Certificates of Deposits (CDs) | 303993 | 295397 | 310104 | 336290 | 342514 | Long-term Time Deposits | 9079423 | 8898762 | 9926300 | 9880203 | 9977537 |
| | | (9995651) | (9948386) | (10044245) |
1.3 'Other' Deposits with RBI | 77761 | 62932 | 75584 | 75095 | 81051 |
1.4 Call/Term Funding from Financial Institutions | 445329 | 440444 | 842265 | 761992 | 759065 |
2 Sources | | | | | |
2.1 Domestic Credit | 22710730 | 21706697 | 24507140 | 24333182 | 24397438 |
| | | (25189695) | (25009394) | (25071321) |
2.1.1 Net Bank Credit to the Government | 7165533 | 6565472 | 7399638 | 7275741 | 7171807 |
| | | (7504000) | (7376546) | (7272617) | Net RBI credit to the Government | 1451126 | 1170253 | 1169687 | 1113339 | 979659 | Credit to the Government by the Banking System | 5714407 | 5395219 | 6229951 | 6162402 | 6192149 |
| | | (6334313) | (6263207) | (6292959) |
2.1.2 Bank Credit to the Commercial Sector | 15545198 | 15141224 | 17107502 | 17057442 | 17225631 |
| | | (17685695) | (17632847) | (17798704) | RBI Credit to the Commercial Sector | 26549 | 19852 | 5231 | 5231 | 5080 | Credit to the Commercial Sector by the Banking System | 15518649 | 15121372 | 17102271 | 17052211 | 17220551 |
| | | (17680464) | (17627617) | (17793624) | Other Investments ( Non-SLR Securities) | 1096333 | 1073798 | 1101210 | 1089257 | 1074161 |
2.2 Government's Currency Liabilities to the Public | 30285 | 29600 | 32264 | 32264 | 32596 |
2.3 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the Banking Sector | 4699822 | 4595397 | 4861933 | 4926775 | 4977214 |
2.3.1 Net Foreign Exchange Assets of the RBI | 4587355 | 4490835 | 4883617 | 4962823 | 5038109 |
2.3.2 Net Foreign Currency Assets of the Banking System | 112467 | 104562 | -21684 | -36048 | -60896 |
2.4 Capital Account | 3446786 | 3507307 | 3975379 | 3989827 | 4020302 |
2.5 Other items (net) | 1365887 | 677272 | 1290840 | 1319725 | 1121948 |
Note: Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank. NM2 and NM3 do not include FCNR (B) deposits. 2.4: Consist of paid-up capital and reserves. 2.5: includes other demand and time liabilities of the banking system. |