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Trend and Progress of Banking in India

Dec 26, 2024
Report on Trend and Progress of Banking in India 2023-24  11064 kb
Letter of Transmittal  801 kb
Contents  86 kb
Perspectives  133 kb
Global Banking Developments  1371 kb
Policy Environment  532 kb
Operations and Performance of Commercial Banks  4121 kb
Developments in Co-operative Banking  1349 kb
Non-Banking Financial Institutions  2685 kb
Appendix Tables
Appendix Table IV.1: Indian Banking Sector at a Glance 11 kb 50 kb
Appendix Table IV.2: International Liabilities of Banks in India – By Type of Instruments 11 kb 99 kb
Appendix Table IV.3: International Assets of Banks in India - By Type of Instruments 11 kb 82 kb
Appendix Table IV.4: Consolidated International Claims of Banks on Countries other than India 9 kb 62 kb
Appendix Table IV.5: Consolidated International Claims of Banks: Residual Maturity and Sector 10 kb 48 kb
Appendix Table IV.6: Off-Balance Sheet Exposure of Scheduled Commercial Banks in India 11 kb 48 kb
Appendix Table IV.7: Frauds in Various Banking Operations Based on Date of Reporting 15 kb 94 kb
Appendix Table IV.8: Kisan Credit Card Scheme: State-wise Progress 17 kb 91 kb
Appendix Table IV.9: Bank Group-wise Lending to the Sensitive Sectors 9 kb 66 kb
Appendix Table IV.10: Shareholding Pattern of Domestic Scheduled Commercial Banks 15 kb 71 kb
Appendix Table IV.11: Overseas Operations of Indian Banks 10 kb 47 kb
Appendix Table IV.12: Branches and ATMs of Scheduled Commercial Banks 17 kb 74 kb
Appendix Table IV.13: Progress of Microfinance Programmes 10 kb 64 kb
Appendix Table IV.14: Major Financial Indicators of Regional Rural Banks – State-wise 14 kb 89 kb
Appendix Table IV.15: RRBs - PSL Target and Achievement - 2023-24 9 kb 44 kb
Appendix Table V.1: Indicators of Financial Performance: Scheduled UCBs 16 kb 70 kb
Appendix Table V.2: Select Financial Parameters: Scheduled UCBs 12 kb 70 kb
Appendix Table V.3: Salient Indicators of Financial Health of State Co-operative Banks 12 kb 69 kb
Appendix Table V.4: Salient Indicators of Financial Health of District Central Co-operative Banks 12 kb 70 kb
Appendix Table V.5: Details of Members and Borrowers of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies 9 kb 44 kb
Appendix Table V.6: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies 9 kb 81 kb
Appendix Table V.7: Select Indicators of Primary Agricultural Credit Societies - State-wise 16 kb 91 kb
Appendix Table V.8: Liabilities and Assets of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 10 kb 67 kb
Appendix Table V.9: Financial Performance of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 10 kb 82 kb
Appendix Table V.10: Asset Quality of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 9 kb 66 kb
Appendix Table V.11: Financial Indicators of State Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - State-wise 11 kb 68 kb
Appendix Table V.12: Liabilities and Assets of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 10 kb 67 kb
Appendix Table V.13: Financial Performance of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 10 kb 81 kb
Appendix Table V.14: Asset Quality of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Development Banks 9 kb 66 kb
Appendix Table V.15: Major Financial Indicators of Primary Co-operative Agriculture and Rural Developments Banks 11 kb 68 kb
Appendix Table VI.1: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFCs 11 kb 84 kb
Appendix Table VI.2: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFC-UL 11 kb 112 kb
Appendix Table VI.3: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFC-ML 12 kb 112 kb
Appendix Table VI.4: Consolidated Balance Sheet of NBFCs-D 11 kb 112 kb
Appendix Table VI.5: Credit to Various Sectors by NBFCs 11 kb 97 kb
Appendix Table VI.6: Financial Performance of NBFC-UL 11 kb 110 kb
Appendix Table VI.7: Financial Performance of NBFC-ML 10 kb 110 kb
Appendix Table VI.8: Financial Assistance Sanctioned and Disbursed by Financial Institutions 18 kb 126 kb
Appendix Table VI.9: Financial Performance of Standalone Primary Dealers 13 kb 115 kb
Appendix Table VI.10: Select Financial Indicators of Standalone Primary Dealers 11 kb 114 kb
List of Select Abbreviations  55 kb
