3. Legal framework for payment
and settlement systems
The Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 (N.I. Act) continues to be the predominant legal base for all cheque-based (instrument-based) payment
systems in India. It has been amended time and again to accommodate new
requirements and policies. The latest amendments in respect of the definition
of “cheque” by inclusion of the “electronic image of a truncated cheque” and a “cheque in the electronic form” have opened up avenues for introducing new methods of processing paper-based payment instruments. Simultaneous
amendment to the Information Technology Act, 2000, making it applicable to N.I. Act, has accorded legal status to the usage of electronic payment
systems in Indian banking.
However, the electronic payment systems like ECS, EFT, NDS, RTGS, etc. work on the basis of a series of bi-lateral agreements made specifically for
each one of them which are of contractual nature between the participant and the manager of the systems. The process of netting of payables and
receivables is adopted by all payment systems except RTGS where the settlement is on gross basis. Existing legal structure does not explicitly cover ‘netting’ and ‘finality of settlement’. Some countries have legislated ‘netting’
and ‘finality of settlement’ and also built regulatory structures either within the
central banks or by way of establishing quasi-judicial institutions to oversee
payment systems.
The growth and proliferation of existing and new payment systems has
necessitated central banks to move away from operating retail payment
systems. Management and operations of payment systems are being taken
over by consortium of banks, central counter parties, authorised private
service providers, etc. Lack of an apposite provision in law for regulation and
supervision of these entities reduces the scope of having a monitoring
mechanism leading to apprehension of participants and end-users on the
safety and security of the payment systems.
The ‘Payment and Settlement Systems Bill’ has been proposed with the view
to receiving and creating legal definition of ‘netting’ and ‘settlement finality’
and also to create a regulatory framework for the payment and settlement
The shift towards electronic modes of payments has revealed inadequacies in
the present legal structure and consequently there is lack of legal clarity about
the products designed using information technology. This issue becomes
more pronounced in respect of the ‘instruction’ based payments, i.e. the now
prominent ‘credit transfer’ systems. The United Nations has published an
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers (1994) to cover
payment instructions which are originated by the payer through a banking
system to pay into a beneficiary’s bank account. Such a law will have to be
put in place in India too as current international trends indicate a bias towards
the more risk-free credit transfer mode of payments.
Keeping in view the possibility of dishonour of instructions on the due date,
the issue of legality of action required to be taken against the defaulters has to
be addressed. Such instructions of payment are in the nature of nonnegotiable
standing instructions. These types of instructions, not being
instruments, are not covered under the existing laws. Therefore, there is a
need to examine this issue to provide desirable level of robustness.
Keeping the above in view, it is proposed to initiate the following steps
towards building a sound legal base for payment systems during 2005-08:
Action Points:
1. The Payment and Settlement Systems Bill to be enacted;
2. Regulations for authorised payment and settlement systems to be
3. Finalisation of EFT Regulations
4. Initiating the process of legislation for credit transfer transactions on
the lines of UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers
5. Drafting Regulations for ECS(Debit Clearing) |