5. Payment Systems Vision 2005-08:
The approach to be followed for payment and settlement systems is best
captured in the Mission Statement which encompasses Safety, Security,
Soundness and Efficiency (the Triple-S and E) as its vital components.
Safety in payment and settlement systems relate to the avoidance of risks in
these systems. Payment Systems, by their nature are risk prone and the need for
addressing these risks assumes significance. Sound designs, rules, and riskmanagement
practices promote the safety of payments for financial institutions
and their users. Effective entry and exit criteria, regular monitoring, guaranteed
settlements through introduction of central counter parties, risk mitigation
measures through clearly defined and enforceable loss sharing procedures in the
unlikely event of default are the standard ways to ensure safety of payment
Security pertains to the confidence among the users of the payment and
settlement systems. Confidence in the integrity of the basic paper payment
instruments and payments systems in India was built over a very long period
of time. New systems based on modern technology are increasingly being
implemented. Prudent users will demand new systems to inspire confidence
with strong evidence that these systems will meet their needs in both normal and exceptional circumstances. The process of building confidence can take
years, and payment service providers realize that confidence is an asset to be
guarded zealously.
Soundness, which indicates the well rooted foundation for the payment and
settlement systems is another pillar in the payment systems edifice. All the
systems are required to be on sound footing, with adequate legal backing, firm
operational procedures and transparency norms.
Efficiency is the key word for all the new initiatives and this would be achieved by
leveraging the benefits of technology so as to result in cost effective solutions, and
optimal turn around timings for the systems.
Thus the payment system policy goals will continue to be “to foster a safe,
secure, sound and efficient payment systems for the country”. Keeping this in
view, for the period 2005-08, the focus will be on the following major themes:
i. A new institutional structure for retail payment systems
ii. National Settlement System
iii. Sound legal base
iv. Continuation of risk mitigation efforts
v. Efficiency enhancements
vi. Rural Sector facilitation ;and
vii. Customer facilitation and protection
Details of the approach and the measures proposed to be initiated to achieve
the above goals are given in Part II of this document. A Roadmap for
implementation of the action points with milestones to be achieved at the end
of each of the three years is given in the Annex. |