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50 (b). Stocks of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households - Select Indicators
Date : Dec 24, 2024
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item Jun-2021 Sep-2021 Dec-2021 Mar-2022
Financial Assets (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h) 2,33,27,377 2,39,99,280 2,47,08,474 2,54,40,650
Per cent of GDP 110.4 108.9 108.2 107.8
(a) Bank Deposits (i+ii) 1,07,90,832 1,09,87,937 1,14,10,330 1,16,80,355
i. Commercial Banks 99,53,044 1,01,48,486 1,05,66,753 1,08,29,079
ii. Co-operative Banks 8,37,788 8,39,451 8,43,577 8,51,276
(b) Non-Bank Deposits        
of which:        
Other Financial Institutions 2,06,509 2,06,074 2,03,896 2,09,665
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 67,840 66,469 66,542 70,564
ii. Housing Finance Companies 1,38,669 1,39,605 1,37,353 1,39,102
(c) Life Insurance Funds 49,29,725 51,42,279 52,13,527 53,57,350
(d) Currency 27,42,897 26,74,266 27,37,059 28,83,904
(e) Mutual funds 18,55,000 20,64,364 21,26,112 21,52,141
(f) Public Provident Fund (PPF) 7,57,398 7,62,264 7,67,287 8,34,148
(g) Pension Funds 6,16,517 6,67,379 6,99,173 7,36,592
(h) Small Savings (excluding PPF) 14,28,499 14,94,717 15,51,089 15,86,496
Financial Liabilities (a+b) 77,43,630 79,38,456 82,69,633 86,22,079
Per cent of GDP 36.6 36.0 36.2 36.5
(a) Banking Sector 61,80,377 63,19,097 65,87,052 68,61,233
of which:        
i. Commercial Banks 56,47,239 57,87,508 60,52,779 63,89,789
ii. Co-operative Banks 5,31,728 5,30,164 5,32,833 4,69,989
(b) Other Financial Institutions 15,63,253 16,19,358 16,82,581 17,60,847
of which:        
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 7,36,312 7,66,463 7,98,641 8,38,643
ii. Housing Finance Companies 7,21,510 7,45,914 7,75,408 8,12,845
iii. Insurance Corporations 1,05,431 1,06,981 1,08,532 1,09,359

No. 50 (b): Stocks of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households- Select Indicators (Contd.)
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item Jun-2022 Sep-2022 Dec-2022 Mar-2023
Financial Assets (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h) 2,56,21,348 2,64,23,992 2,71,87,716 2,78,44,981
Per cent of GDP 102.8 102.6 103.2 103.3
(a) Bank Deposits (i+ii) 1,18,43,527 1,21,43,060 1,23,99,459 1,27,07,326
i. Commercial Banks 1,09,87,692 1,12,88,257 1,15,36,717 1,18,21,685
ii. Co-operative Banks 8,55,835 8,54,803 8,62,742 8,85,641
(b) Non-Bank Deposits        
of which:        
Other Financial Institutions 2,16,170 2,18,247 2,26,328 2,28,562
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 74,794 78,061 81,308 85,254
ii. Housing Finance Companies 1,41,376 1,40,185 1,45,020 1,43,308
(c) Life Insurance Funds 53,25,967 55,59,682 57,86,593 57,95,431
(d) Currency 29,50,343 28,95,764 29,72,524 31,21,514
(e) Mutual funds 20,48,097 22,60,210 23,55,316 23,67,793
(f) Public Provident Fund (PPF) 8,51,913 8,58,591 8,64,731 9,39,449
(g) Pension Funds 7,44,459 7,96,454 8,53,412 8,98,343
(h) Small Savings (excluding PPF) 16,40,871 16,91,985 17,29,353 17,86,563
Financial Liabilities (a+b) 89,11,861 92,46,741 97,00,657 1,02,17,746
Per cent of GDP 35.8 35.9 36.8 37.9
(a) Banking Sector 70,95,468 73,58,918 77,29,701 81,13,546
of which:        
i. Commercial Banks 66,20,073 68,81,338 72,49,643 75,80,936
ii. Co-operative Banks 4,73,897 4,76,025 4,78,487 5,30,915
(b) Other Financial Institutions 18,16,393 18,87,823 19,70,956 21,04,201
of which:        
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 8,69,175 9,05,825 9,61,617 10,56,182
ii. Housing Finance Companies 8,35,181 8,68,213 8,93,116 9,29,862
iii. Insurance Corporations 1,12,037 1,13,785 1,16,223 1,18,157

No. 50 (b): Stocks of Financial Assets and Liabilities of Households- Select Indicators (Concld.)
(Amount in ₹ Crore)
Item Jun-2023 Sep-2023 Dec-2023 Mar-2024
Financial Assets (a+b+c+d+e+f+g+h) 2,87,56,851 2,96,44,299 3,07,47,010 3,19,86,847
Per cent of GDP 104.6 105.4 106.6 108.3
(a) Bank Deposits (i+ii) 1,29,62,575 1,34,68,783 1,37,48,656 1,41,43,228
i. Commercial Banks 1,20,67,764 1,25,74,464 1,28,57,001 1,32,44,314
ii. Co-operative Banks 8,94,811 8,94,319 8,91,655 8,98,914
(b) Non-Bank Deposits        
of which:        
Other Financial Institutions 2,28,077 1,20,095 1,25,432 1,27,257
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 91,373 96,156 1,01,051 1,02,994
ii. Housing Finance Companies 1,36,703 23,939 24,381 24,263
(c) Life Insurance Funds 60,64,437 62,55,801 65,53,726 67,69,272
(d) Currency 30,72,878 30,36,177 30,92,896 32,39,540
(e) Mutual funds 26,26,046 28,29,859 31,56,299 33,87,208
(f) Public Provident Fund (PPF) 9,55,061 9,60,344 9,64,852 10,51,376
(g) Pension Funds 9,70,016 10,17,975 10,91,276 11,72,651
(h) Small Savings (excluding PPF) 18,77,761 19,55,265 20,13,873 20,96,314
Financial Liabilities (a+b) 1,05,39,266 1,10,65,282 1,15,75,799 1,20,96,412
Per cent of GDP 38.3 39.3 40.2 41.0
(a) Banking Sector 83,27,152 91,96,026 95,98,673 99,91,003
of which:        
i. Commercial Banks 77,88,962 86,64,616 90,54,514 94,37,072
ii. Co-operative Banks 5,36,409 5,29,528 5,42,241 5,51,852
(b) Other Financial Institutions 22,12,114 18,69,256 19,77,126 21,05,409
of which:        
i. Non-Banking Financial Companies 11,37,631 11,97,315 12,82,347 13,83,183
ii. Housing Finance Companies 9,53,646 5,49,352 5,70,585 5,96,438
iii. Insurance Corporations 1,20,837 1,22,590 1,24,194 1,25,788
Note : 1. Data as ratios to GDP have been calculated based on the Provisional Estimates of National Income 2023-24, released by NSO on May 31, 2024.
2. Pension funds comprises funds with the National Pension Scheme.
3. Outstanding deposits with Small Savings are sourced from the Controller General of Accounts, Government of India.
4. Non-bank deposits apart from other financial institutions, comprises state power utilities, co-operative non credit societies etc. Data for outstanding deposits are available only for other financial institutions.
5. Figures in the columns may not add up to the total due to rounding off.
