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6. Money Stock Measures
Date : Dec 24, 2024
(₹ Crore)
Item Outstanding as on March 31/last reporting Fridays of the month/ reporting Fridays
2023-24 2023 2024
Oct. 20 Sep. 20 Oct. 04 Oct. 18
1 2 3 4 5
1 Currency with the Public (1.1 + 1.2 + 1.3 – 1.4) 3410276 3201682 3392284 3385407 3415233
1.1 Notes in Circulation 3477795 3272342 3455216 3457952 3482799
1.2 Circulation of Rupee Coin 32689 30906 33851 34090 34090
1.3 Circulation of Small Coins 743 743 743 743 743
1.4 Cash on Hand with Banks 101185 102379 98253 108126 103162
2 Deposit Money of the Public 2681424 2463354 2735069 2831531 2786278
2.1 Demand Deposits with Banks 2586888 2390414 2640984 2735673 2687986
2.2 'Other' Deposits with Reserve Bank 94536 72940 94085 95858 98292
3 M1 (1 + 2) 6091700 5665036 6127353 6216938 6201510
4 Post Office Saving Bank Deposits 195777 211685 199017 199017 199017
5 M2 (3 + 4) 6287477 5876721 6326370 6415955 6400527
6 Time Deposits with Banks 18739918 17940702 19751495 20077665 20015200
  (18848160) (18074897) (19826970) (20151734) (20087772)
7 M3 (3 + 6) 24831618 23605738 25878848 26294604 26216711
  (24939860) (23739933) (25954324) (26368673) (26289282)
8 Total Post Office Deposits 1313366 1235171 1361211 1361211 1361211
9 M4 (7 + 8) 26144984 24840909 27240059 27655815 27577922
  (26253226) (24975104) (27315535) (27729884) (27650493)
Figures in parentheses include the impact of merger of a non-bank with a bank.
Note: For scheduled banks, March-end data pertain to the last reporting Friday.
2.2: Exclude balances held in IMF Account No.1, RBI employees’ provident fund, pension fund, gratuity and superannuation fund.
