Foreword |
List of Select Abbreviations |
Overview |
Chapter I : Macrofinancial Risks |
Global Backdrop |
Macrofinancial Development and Outlook |
Other Global Macrofinancial Risks |
Domestic Macrofinancial Risks |
Corporate Sector |
Money Markets, Government Securities and Corporate Bond Markets |
Government Finance |
External Sector Developments and Foreign Exchange Markets |
Equity Markets |
Mutual Funds |
Alternative Investment Funds |
Central Counterparties (CCPs) |
Banking Stability Indicator |
Banking System |
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) |
Credit Flows to the MSME Sector |
Microfinance Segment |
Consumer Credit |
Housing Market |
Financial System Stress Indicator |
Systemic Risk Survey |
Chapter II : Financial Institutions: Soundness and Resilience |
Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCBs) |
Asset Quality |
Sectoral Asset Quality |
Credit Quality of Large Borrowers |
Capital Adequacy |
Earnings and Profitability |
Resilience – Macro Stress Tests |
Sensitivity Analysis |
Bottom-up Stress Tests: Derivatives Portfolio |
Primary (Urban) Cooperative Banks |
Stress Testing |
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) |
Stress Test - Credit Risk |
Stress Test - Liquidity Risk |
Interest Rate Risk |
Insurance Sector |
Stress Testing of Mutual Funds |
Stress Testing Analysis - Clearing Corporations |
Interconnectedness |
Financial System Network |
Contagion Analysis |
Chapter III : Regulatory Initiatives in the Financial Sector |
Global Regulatory Developments and Assessments |
Markets and Financial Stability |
Climate Related Risks and Financial Stability |
Crypto Assets and Financial Stability |
Financial Innovation and Financial Stability |
Cyber Risk and Financial Stability |
Domestic Regulatory Developments |
Initiatives from Regulators/ Authorities |
Reserve Bank of India (Unhedged Foreign Currency Exposure) Directions, 2022 |
Review of Regulatory Framework for ARCs |
Regulations Review Authority 2.0 |
Regulatory changes undertaken in respect of Urban Cooperative banks |
Appointment of Internal Ombudsman by the CICs |
Guidelines on Digital Lending |
Liberalisation of Forex Flows |
International Trade Settlement in Indian Rupees |
Master Directions on Transfer of Loan Exposures and Securitisation of Standard Assets (Amendments) |
Outsourcing of Financial Services - Responsibilities of regulated entities employing Recovery Agents |
Identification of NBFCs in the Upper Layer |
Regulatory framework for NBFC - Account Aggregators (Amendments) |
Digital Rupee (e₹) – Wholesale and Retail |
Move towards frictionless credit - Pilot on digitisation of Kisan Credit Card |
Enabling Framework for Regulatory Sandbox |
Customer Protection |
Enforcement |
REITs and InvITs – Fund Raising and Future Outlook |
Other Developments |
Deposit Insurance |
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (CIRP) |
Insurance |
Pension Funds |
Annex 1: Systemic Risk Survey |
Annex 2: Methodologies |
Annex 3: Important Regulatory Measures |
Reserve Bank of India |
Securities and Exchange Board of India |
Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India |
Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority |
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India |
International Financial Service Centres Authority |
Chapter I |
1.1 Financial System Stress Indicator |
1.2 Systemic Risk Surveys and Macrofinancial Trends |
Chapter II |
2.1 Gilt Valuations and Bank Profitability |
Chapter III |
3.1 Strengthening of Cyber Security Preparedness |
Chapter I |
1.1 Global Growth Forecasts |
1.2 Inflation |
1.3 Impact of Shocks of 2022 |
1.4 Financial Conditions |
1.5 Increase in Government Bond Yields |
1.6 Equity Market Decline |
1.7 Corporate Bond Market |
1.8 Financial Market Volatility |
1.9 FX-implied Dollar Funding Spreads |
1.10 U.S. Long-term Rates |
1.11 General Government Debt |
1.12 General Government Balance |
1.13 EMEs General Government Debt in 2022 |
1.14 Rising Global Non-Financial Sector Debt |
1.15 Global Non-Financial Sector Debt Comparison |
1.16 Non-Financial Sector Debt by Country, Q1:2022 |
1.17 Central Bank Rate Hikes |
1.18 1-year Terminal Rate Expectations |
1.19 Federal Reserve System Open Market Account (SOMA) - Projected Net Income |
1.20 USD Appreciation |
1.21 Terms of Trade and Exchange Rate Depreciation |
1.22 Policy Rate Changes and Exchange Rate Depreciation |
1.23 USD’s share in Global Transactions and Assets |
1.24 USD and Oil Prices |
1.25 Increase in Oil Prices in Domestic Currency |
1.26 Capital Flight from EMEs |
1.27 Profitability and Capital of Banks |
1.28 IMF Global Bank Stress Test |
1.29 Global Climate Finance Flows in Mitigation |
1.30 Global Climate Finance Flows in Adaptation |
1.31 Smoothened Distribution Function of ESG Score (Probability) |
1.32 ESG Debt Issued |
1.33 Total Net Assets and Share of the Non-bank Financial Intermediation Sector, Q1:2002–Q1:2022 |
1.34 OEF Monthly Net Flows, Q1:2002–Q1:2022 |
1.35 Daily Prices of Select Crypto Assets |
1.36 Bitcoin vis-à-vis Equity and Inflation |
1.37 Global Supply Chain Pressure Index |
1.38 Commodity Prices |
1.39 Brent Price - Spot and Futures |
1.40 FAO Food Price Index |
1.41 Investment in Commodity Linked Investment Funds |
1.42 Number of CBDCs under various stages |
1.43 Nominal and Real Sales Growth of Listed Private Non-Financial Companies |
1.44 Operating Profit Margin of Listed Private Non-Financial Companies |
1.45 Select Ratios of Listed Private Manufacturing Companies |
1.46 Debt Serviceability of Listed Private Non-Financial Companies |
1.47 Amount Raised by Indian Corporates through Overseas Capital Market Offerings |
1.48 PE/VC Investments in India |
1.49 Tighter Market Conditions |
1.50 Banking System Liquidity Tightened |
1.51 Yield Curve Flattened |
1.52 AAA - 3 Year Corporate Bond Yield and Spread |
1.53 Spread of Listed NCDs – Primary and Secondary Market |
1.54 Resource Mobilisation from Primary Market and Category-wise Issuers of Corporate Bonds |
1.55 Category-wise Subscribers of Corporate Bonds |
1.56 Monthly GST Collection |
1.57 Government Borrowings and Redemption |
1.58 Merchandise Exports, Imports and Trade Balance |
1.59 India’s Oil Import Bill |
1.60 India’s Balance of Payments |
1.61 Cumulative FDI and FPI Flows |
1.62 Foreign Exchange Reserves of India: Long-Term Trend |
1.63 Intervention and Impact of Valuation and Flows on Foreign Currency Assets |
1.64 Currency Composition of External Debt |
1.65 INR Movement against Major Currencies |
1.66 USD-INR Long Term Trend |
1.67 Exchange Rate Volatility |
1.68 USD-INR Implied Volatility |
1.69 Forward Premia Curve |
1.70 Equity Market Movements |
1.71 Monthly FPI Flows |
1.72 FPI and DII Flows – FY2022-23 |
1.73 FPI and DII Flows – From FY2018-19 to FY2022-23 |
1.74 Individuals’ Net Investment and Nifty 50 Returns |
1.75 Trend in Demat Accounts and SIP Flows |
1.76 Equity Market Valuation Indicators |
1.77 Scheme-wise Mutual Fund Net Inflows |
1.78 Share of Overnight Mutual Funds in Total Open-ended Debt Schemes |
1.79 Share of Liquid Assets Holdings by Open-ended Debt Schemes of Mutual Funds |
1.80 Scheme-wise Analysis of Share of Liquid Assets Holdings by Open-ended Debt Schemes of Mutual Funds |
1.81 Monthly Net Flows of Open-ended Debt Schemes of Mutual Funds |
1.82 Monthly Volatility of Open-ended Debt Schemes of Mutual Funds |
1.83 AIF Fund Mobilisation |
1.84 Instrument-wise Deployment of Funds by AIFs |
1.85 Banking Stability Map |
1.86 Banking Stability Indicator- Contribution of Individual Risk Factors |
1.87 Credit Growth – SCBs |
1.88 Credit Growth – Bank Group wise |
1.89 Exposure Distribution of Non-PSU Non-Financial Obligors |
1.90 Long-term Ratings |
1.91 Incremental Credit Deposit Ratio |
1.92 Movement in Liquidity Coverage Ratio and its Components |
1.93 Household Financial Savings in India |
1.94 Components of Net Cash Outflow – All SCBs |
1.95 Movement in Run-off Factor |
1.96 HQLA and Cash Outflow – Share of Components |
1.97 Asset Quality and Risk Weights |
1.98 GNPA Movements |
1.99 Capital Adequacy |
1.100 MSME Sector Credit Growth |
1.101 ECLGS Guarantee Disbursed |
1.102 Sector-wise ECLGS Guarantee |
1.103 Bank Group-wise ECLGS Guarantee |
1.104 Borrower Category-wise ECLGS Guarantee |
1.105 Amount-wise ECLGS Guarantee |
1.106 Unit Type-wise NPA |
1.107 Borrower Category-wise NPA |
1.108 ECLGS Sector-wise Share of NPA |
1.109 Lending to the Microfinance Segment |
1.110 Stress in the Microfinance Segment |
1.111 Inquiry Volumes by Product Category |
1.112 Inquiry Volumes by Lender Category |
1.113 Inquiry Volumes by Risk Tier |
1.114 Origination by Risk Tier |
1.115 Movement in House Prices |
1.116 House Sales, Launches and Inventory Overhang |
Chapter II |
2.1 Deposit and Credit Profile of SCBs |
2.2 Select Asset Quality Indicators of SCBs |
2.3 Sectoral Asset Quality Indicators of SCBs |
2.4 Select Asset Quality Indicators of Large Borrowers |
2.5 Capital Adequacy |
2.6 Select Performance Indicators of SCBs |
2.7 Macro Scenario Assumptions |
2.8 CRAR Projections |
2.9 Projection of CET1 Capital Ratio |
2.10 Projection of SCBs’ GNPA Ratios |
2.11 Credit Risk - Shocks and Outcomes |
2.12 Credit Concentration Risk: Individual Borrowers – Exposure |
2.13 Credit Concentration Risk: Group Borrowers – Exposure |
2.14 Credit Concentration Risk: Individual Borrowers – Stressed Advances |
2.15 Trading Book Portfolio: Bank-group wise |
2.16 Yield Curves and Shift in Yields across Tenors since June 2022 |
2.17 HTM Portfolio – Composition |
2.18 HTM Portfolio – Unrealised Gain / Loss as on September 30, 2022 |
2.19 Equity Price Risk |
2.20 Liquidity Risk – Shocks and Outcomes |
2.21 MTM of Total Derivatives Portfolio of Select Banks – September 2022 |
2.22 Impact of Shocks on Derivatives Portfolio of Select Banks |
2.23 Credit Profile and Asset Quality Indicators of UCBs |
2.24 Stress Test of UCBs |
2.25 Sectoral Credit Growth of NBFCs |
2.26 Sectoral GNPA ratio of NBFCs |
2.27 Sectoral NNPA ratio of NBFCs |
2.28 Capital Adequacy and Profitability of NBFCs |
2.29 Credit Risk in NBFCs - System Level |
2.30 Range (Surplus (+)/ Deficit (-)) of LR-RaR Maintained by AMCs over AMFI Prescribed Limits |
2.31 Range (Surplus (+)/ Deficit (-)) of LR-CRaR Maintained by AMCs over AMFI Prescribed Limits |
2.32 Bilateral Exposures between Entities in the Financial System |
2.33 Network Plot of the Financial System - September 2022 |
2.34 Net Receivables (+ve) / Payables (-ve) by Institutions |
2.35 Inter-bank Market |
2.36 Different Bank Groups in the Inter-Bank Market - September 2022 |
2.37 Composition of Fund based Inter-Bank Market |
2.38 Network Structure of the Indian Banking System (SCBs + SFBs + SUCBs) – September 2022 |
2.39 Connectivity Statistics of the Banking System (SCBs) |
2.40 Gross Receivables of AMC-MFs from the Financial System |
2.41 Gross Receivables of Insurance Companies from the Financial System |
2.42 Gross Payables of NBFCs to the Financial System |
2.43 Gross Payables of HFCs to the Financial System |
2.44 Gross Payables of AIFIs to the Financial System |
2.45 Contagion Impact of Macroeconomic Shocks (Solvency Contagion) |
Chapter III |
3.1 NPS and APY Subscribers – Sector-wise |
3.2 NPS and APY AUM – Sector-wise |
Chapter I |
1.1 Asset Returns |
1.2 Global Non-Financial Sector Debt Q1:2022 |
1.3 Key Cryptocurrency Prices and Indices |
1.4 Central Government Finances - Key Deficit Indicators |
1.5 States’ Key Deficit Indicators |
1.6 Net Capital Flows |
1.7 ECB loans |
1.8 Assets under Management of the Domestic Mutual Fund Industry |
1.9 Trends in Resource Mobilisation by Mutual Funds |
1.10 Growth in Wholesale Credit |
1.11 Aggregate Mobilisation of Funds |
1.12 Asset Quality Ratios across NBFC Categories |
1.13 MSME Restructuring Schemes |
1.14 Average Ticket Size of ECLGS Borrowers |
1.15 Delinquency Levels in Aggregate Consumer Credit across all Product Categories |
Chapter II |
2.1(a) Credit Share and Growth – September 2022 |
2.1(b) Growth in New Loans by SCBs: Economic Sectors, Organisations and Account type |
2.2 Decline in System Level CRAR |
2.3 Tenor-wise PV01 Distribution of AFS Portfolio |
2.4 Other Operating Income (OOI) - Profit/(Loss) on Securities Trading |
2.5 Tenor-wise PV01 Distribution of HFT portfolio |
2.6 Interest Rate Risk – Bank-groups - Shocks and Impacts |
2.7 Earnings at Risk (EAR) - Traditional Gap Analysis (TGA) |
2.8 Market Value of Equity (MVE) – Duration Gap Analysis (DGA) |
2.9 NBFCs’ Sources of Funds |
2.10 Liquidity Risk in NBFCs |
2.11 Consolidated Solvency Ratio for all Insurers |
2.12 Minimum Required Corpus of Core SGF Based on Stress Testing Analysis at a major Clearing Corporation |
2.13 Contagion Losses due to Bank Failure – September 2022 |
2.14 Contagion Losses due to NBFC Failure – September 2022 |
2.15 Contagion Losses due to HFC Failure – September 2022 |
Chapter III |
3.1 Category of Complaints Received under the RB-IOS, 2021 |
3.2 Fund Mobilisation by REITs and InvITs |
3.3 Deposit Insurance Premium |
3.4 Deposit Insurance Fund (DIF) |
3.5 Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process |
3.6 CIRPs Ending with Orders for Liquidation till September 30, 2022 |
3.7 Outcome of CIRPs, Initiated Stakeholder-wise, as on September 30, 2022 |
3.8 Sectoral Distribution of CIRPs as on September 30, 2022 |