E-tender No. RBI/Central Office/Premises Department/2/23-24/ET/21 Reserve Bank of India, Premises Department, Central Office, Mumbai had invited E-tender for Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning (SITC) of water pump-motor sets at Lower Basement area, Central Office, RBI, Fort, Mumbai through RBI Website and MSTC Portal on August 28, 2023. In this context, it has been decided to extend the tender bid further up to October 16, 2023. The Revised Bid Close Date for the captioned e-tender is October 16, 2023 up to 3 p.m. and Part-I of tender will be opened on same day at 04:00 p.m. All terms and conditions mentioned in the tender remain unchanged. Chief General Manager-in-Charge Premises Department Central office | |