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Date : Jun 09, 2021
Minutes of Pre-Bid meeting - Facility Management Service (FMS) and Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals at College of Agricultural Banking (CAB), Reserve Bank of India, Pune

E-Tender Number: - RBI/CAB Pune/774/2021-22/ET/774

Minutes of the Pre Bid Meeting held on June 7, 2021 with respect to the Tender for Facility Management Service (FMS) and Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals at College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune (CAB Pune) uploaded on the MSTC portal on May 31, 2021

The Pre Bid Meeting for the Facility Management Service (FMS) and Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) for Computer Hardware, Software and Peripherals Tender was held on June 7, 2021 at 11.30 AM via Cisco WebEx. All the vendor representatives were requested to put forth their doubts/ queries which were discussed and clarified as below:

Sr. No. Doubts/ queries raised Clarifications provided
1. Whether estimated cost includes tax or not? Estimated cost mentioned in the tender document is exclusive of applicable taxes.
2. Tender document mentions Performance Bank Guarantee (PBG) to be 10% of the contract value whereas recent guidelines from GOI revised it to 3%. We are guided by our internal guidelines, as per which the provisions of GFR are not applicable to RBI.
3. Ministry of Finance, MSME circular dated July 25, 2016 has relaxed the norms for Startups / MSMEs with regard to prior experience and turnover in public procurement We are guided by our internal guidelines, as per which provisions of section 11 of MSMED Act, 2006 are not applicable to RBI and therefore the notification issued by the Government under section 11 of MSMED Act for extending certain benefits to MSEs is also not applicable to RBI.
4. As per the tender document, the second Resident Engineer should be BSc. (IT) or Diploma Engineers in Computer Science, IT / Electronics / preferably with MCSE and CISCO certification dealing with issues relating to Networking, Windows server -2003, Operating Systems, etc.

Vendors have queried that MCSE and CISCO certification for Resident Engineers fall under the category of skilled manpower wherein the cost of the tender would have to be revised. Since there is no mention of network related equipment, whether it is necessary to have such certification for Resident Engineer.
The network related equipment present in the College is mainly handled by our own Department, i.e. Department of Information Technology. In the tender document, MCSE and CISCO certification for Resident Engineers is mentioned as preferably and not mandatorily.
5. Who should bear cost of material for shifting of IT Assets from one location to another (within RBI Pune office and Quarters), as tender documents specifically mention to provide services at RBI office as well as quarters situated in Pune. This query is clarified in Section VIII – Nature and Scope of Work - B (b) of the Tender.
6. As per tender document, vendors have been asked to follow minimum wages criteria for REs. Therefore, vendors were asking whether to follow guidelines issued by Govt. of Maharashtra or that of Central Govt. in context of Skilled/ Semi-Skilled workers. It is clarified that, as this contract is a service contract, vendors may use their discretion to deploy the REs provided they comply with the statutory regulations in respect of minimum wages.
7. As the initial period for the contract is mentioned as 9 months, will any extension be provided post that? How vendor should quote for the contract period? This query is clarified in the Section IV – B 2 – Price Evaluation and in Section IX - 3 regarding renewal of contract.
8. Whether for work experience/client certificate, TDS certificates required to be submitted, as these documents are to be fetched from other customers. It is clarified that TDS certificates can be download from the Income Tax portal.
9. It was requested to provide details of model number and make of all the IT articles. Further, many items are mentioned under warranty. At some point of the time they will also be moved out from warranty and will fall under AMC. It is clarified that, list of all the IT articles whether under AMC or under Warranty have been provided in the tender document. It is also clarified that there may be changes in number of IT assets as per new purchases/ disposal of old articles. The vendor may prepare their calculations in a manner that the rate quoted covers comprehensive maintenance service.
10. It was requested to provide Model and make of the digital pad. It is informed that digital pads were purchased in the month of January and February 2021 and are of XP Pen make which costs around Rs. 8,500/-.
11. Whether desktop engineer has to have certification/ deep knowledge of each software listed out in the tender document The desktop engineer should be able to resolve the technical issues in consultation with the technical teams at our Central Office and/or software vendor.
12. Penalty: The vendors were of the opinion that the penalty amounts indicated in the tender were very high. We have advised the vendors that penalty amount has been kept on the higher side in order to ensure quality work and prompt service from the vendor.
